TC Berry Blog

Special Delivery

Feb. 15, 2018

Welcome to the first ever blog post of Twin Cities Berry Company! I thought it would be nice to document exciting activities as my new farm starts to take shape...

The first ever 'on-farm' task for TCBC started today, when we facilitated the dropoff of tractor equipment essential to my style of strawberry growing. The 2 pieces of equipment are:

  • a bed shaper, which makes nice annual rows of raised beds out of the soil as the tractor chugs along,
  • a plastic layer, which lays down irrigation line and plastic mulch on top of the raised beds.
The equipment was dropped off via freight and taken off the truck using a good ol' Ford tractor with forks attached on the front. Big thanks to Aaron Wills, who helped unload my precious cargo. The next step will be waiting for the spring thaw, and then unwrapping and assembling the pieces. This part of strawberry production is new to me, but I figure it'll just be like high-stakes legos. Stay tuned for more updates!

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